The present article aims to elaborate an analysis on the constitutional consonance of monocratic decisions of the Judiciary Power that have received harsh criticism and generated a serious crisis in the autonomy of the other powers. Through extensive and rich review of bibliographic literature, the study addressed three distinct segments related to the institutionalized crisis among the three Powers of the Republic. Firstly, the theoretical framework expressed in the 1988 Constitution was dealt with, which emphatically shows the areas of action and competence of the powers: Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. Secondly, arbitrary decisions of the Judiciary Power, politicization of the judiciary, and judicial activism were discussed. And in the third segment, the impacts of this institutional crisis on Democracy and the legal insecurity provoked in Brazilian society were addressed.Keywords: Democracy.Constitution. Crisis. Autonomy.1INTRODUÇÃONo trabalho “O Espírito das Leis” de Montesquieu, foram introduzidas as cartas políticas e a forma de governo adotada por várias nações, conhecida como Teoria da Separação de Poderes. Esta teoria advoga que o governo de uma nação não pode permanecer 1Graduado em Letras –Habilitação em Português/Inglês e suas respectivas literaturas pela Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central -FACHUSC (2006). Pós-Graduado em Direito Tributário pela UCAM Universidade Cândido Mendes (2018). Mestrando em Ciências Jurídicas pela Veni Creator Christian University (2023).
Author: Ednaldo Francisco da Silva