Murillo de Aragão
This is the website of Murillo de Aragão, founder of Arko Advice Political Analysis and MDA - Murillo de Aragão and Associates Law Firm
Murillo de Aragão
This is the website of Murillo de Aragão, founder of Arko Advice Political Analysis and MDA - Murillo de Aragão and Associates Law Firm


Murillo de Aragão is the founder and CEO of Arko Advice Political, one of the most prestigious political analysis firms in Brazil and South America and partner of Advocacia Murillo de Aragão, a law firm based in Brasília. He is a professor, journalist, lawyer and political scientist with an international reputation. He is also president of the Brazilian Institute of Legislative Law (Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Legislativo) .

Between 2007 and 2018 he was a member of the Social and Economic Advisory Board of the Brazilian Presidency. Also between 2017 to 2019 he has served as president of the Council for Social Communication Affairs of the Brazilian National Congress. He is a regular op-ed columnist for Veja magazine. A lecturer with broad international experience, he was also a professor at the University of Brasília.

Dr. Aragão wrote three books on political matters and co-authored several others. Dr. Aragao is an Adjunct-Professor at Columbia University (New York) since 2018

Books by Murillo de Aragão

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