The Lobby of Industry in the National Congress: Business and Politics in Contemporary Brazil
March 10, 2005
Regulation of Lobbying Activities and Their Impact on Relations Between Politicians, Bureaucrats, and Interest Groups in the Public Policy Cycle: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and Brazil
December 30, 2007
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The Blogs and the Mensalão Crisis: New Standards in Political Coverage

It discusses the role of blogs in covering the Mensalão crisis and analyzes the changes this internet tool brought to political news coverage. It explains the principles of the technology and presents studies that describe blogs as the foundation of citizen journalism, where “everyone is a reporter,” and news takes the form of a conversation between journalists and the public. Based on international experiences with crises such as the invasion of Iraq, the London subway bombings, and the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, the study examines whether the standards of citizen journalism were applied to the coverage of the Brazilian scandal. The research analyzes the blogs of Ricardo Noblat (iG/Estado de S.Paulo), Jorge Bastos Moreno (Globo Online), and Josias de Souza (Folha Online), as well as independent virtual diaries and blogs run by professional politicians.
